Squawker (Android Twitter Frontend)

I am pretty sure this will be declined as it is not self hostable (although all data is kept locally) but I still want to suggest it as alternative to Nitter (atleast for android).

Nitter has become unreliable because they don’t have a fix for rate limiting which requires a bunch of hacky methods to produce thousands and thousands of tokens. Issue here.

Isn’t this an app, what makes this not self hostable actually? (You’re hosting it on your phone)

Isn’t this an app, what makes this not self hostable actually?

Yeah it is. I guess nothing in that case. My lack of understanding is really showing here :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

I think that means Squawker meets all the requirements :hugs:

Its not perfect by any means, and does note provide RSS feeds like Nitter did (which I loved) but it will scratch that itch of being able to use Twitter/X in a more privacy-focused way without having to do some pretty involved work self-hosting Nitter or just praying you get lucky and the instance you chose happens to work that day.