Pls Help Me Find Privacy-Conscious Apps!

Sup, peeps!

I’m on the lookout for some great FOSS apps that prioritize privacy. If you have any suggestions, I’d love to hear them! Specifically, I’m looking for:

  1. A privacy-friendly Reddit client
  2. The best RSS reader
  3. A solid YouTube frontend
  4. A great podcast app

Thanks in advance for your help!


Hi, can you clarify your platform?

You can find recommendations for some of those already in the Recommendations:

I don’t know much about podcasts or Reddit, but my personal choices for RSS and YouTube would be Feeder and Grayjay respectively (Android).


For RSS there’s also ReadYou and for podcasts there is AntennaPod


1 - Frontends - Privacy Guides
2 - News Aggregators - Privacy Guides
3 - Frontends - Privacy Guides

4 -

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I wanted to add that frontends for privacy-invasive services who try to undermine such projects (including YouTube and Reddit) are unlikely to remain stable and are sometimes limited in how well they can protect your privacy.

The long-term solution is to support open source alternatives that tend to be more respectful of your privacy. You don’t have to code or donate to support said alternatives, simply signing up and participating as a user is a big help in growing the community. The most popular alternatives are part of the fediverse.

Mastodon (Twitter alternative) is the only polished option in my opinion. That being said, PeerTube (YouTube alternative) can be usable if you already know of some content creators who are also on PeerTube such as The Linux Experiment. There’s also Lemmy (the most popular Reddit alternative), but there are unverified claims that it sucks for privacy.

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Any suggestion for FOSS offline keyboards+ Ai managment app?

I personally use Florisboard, but HeliBoard is also pretty nice. For AI I use HuggingChat and Duckduckgo Chat in the Browser.

Is amaze file utilities trustworthy? Cuz in droid-ify its mentioned that it Promotes non-free network services. And Suggestions for Notes, Gallery, Dialer, Contacts, Messages(SMS one) would be highly appreciated.

I use Standard Notes for notes, and ente and Gallery for Gallery. For the other stuff I use the default GrapheneOS apps.

Reddit :- infinity
RSS :- Feeder
YouTube :- Newpipe
Podcast :- Antennapod

  1. Infinity For Reddit
  2. Read You
  3. If you want to login: GrayJay
    If you don’t want to login: LibreTube
  4. AntennaPod

My Apps

  • Aegis
  • Orbot
  • F-Droid Basis (miss you Foxy droid😥)
  • Cromite
  • Ironfox - testing
  • Tor Browser
  • KISS launcher
  • Voice audiobook player
  • KeePassDX
  • Breezy Weather
  • OsmAnd
  • BraveNewPipe
  • Molly
  • Mullvad VPN
  • IVPN - testing
  • NotallyX
  • Fossify Gallery
  • Fossify Messages
  • Fossify Calendar
  • HeliBoard
  • AntennaPod
  • Feeder
  • VLC

i just want to say newpipe is great but recently I had so many issues with it
if you experience issues with it too, you can use Pipepipe (in Fdroid) it has same features as newpipe (its a fork of newpipe) and is updated more frequently

Whats your recommendation for file manager, Doc/PDF viewers?

Material Files or File Explorer Compose

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I use GOS’s default ones, file manager because I can’t disable it. PDF veiwer I haven’t found one that I like and it can open encrypted PDF’s so it is good enough for me so far.

I’ll probably use this one if I could disable GOS’s file manager.