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Related to thread #14 from 2022, I want to reopen the conversation around adding more front-ends to the PG website.
Why I think this tool should be added
I’m using LibRedirect as the starting off point, as they provide a great list of alternative front-ends to consider. The forum only allows me to include 2 links within my post, so the list below will be plaintext but the LibRedirect website linked at the beginning of this paragraph contains all of the links for these tools.
A web extension that redirects YouTube, Instagram, Reddit, TikTok and other websites to alternative privacy-friendly frontends.
Yes, that’s the point of LibRedirect. They are all open source (and most links on the page I submitted go directly to the source code repositories) and can be self hosted.
The only caveats that I removed from my original post are:, which isn’t open source or self-hosted.
Wolfree, which seems to be gone.
For the “all basic website functionality” piece, I’m hoping the community can help as I can’t imagine any single person uses all these websites. I can at least go through the ones I use personally and confirm that they cover anonymous functionality.
Either way, I don’t think listing every single one on the PG website would be useful, so my aim was more to see if the community values anything highly enough to add to the recommendation guides.
They all could be added, but is that the intent of the PG website? I don’t know, as I wasn’t here when the page was built and can’t find a definitive answer in the forums/repo, so that’s why I’m posing the question here. Maybe the intent is to be a source of truth for private front-ends, which means using the full list here is a great starting point.
This all feels very low effort, like you threw every possible front-end at the wall to see what sticks.
Honestly just trying to bring visibility to the other great front-ends out there, as the PG page currently only lists a few that leave a lot to be desired (1 Reddit, 1 Tiktok, and 6 YouTube).
If the preference on the forums here is to create a single post for every single one we want to suggest to add, we can do that, but my suggestions alone would be close to 10 and would feel like spam to me. Makes more sense to bring them all together in a single thread, like this one in 2022 where they discussed numerous frontends simultaneously.
I don’t see what’s wrong with that, someone can put the effort to test them and see what actually would stick
and in turn make a PR Changing this, I can do that when I’m at home and yeah. (and a post listing these frontends they found they can be immediately listed and go on with ones that need consideration later)
I prefer this as opposed to presenting a laundry list of tool suggestions in one thread. This is particularly relevant for frontends, as they are the tools that may be most subject to major changes that impact their usability and reliability.
To add to my previous point, you are a part of the community, so if you value any frontend highly enough from the list you presented, you are welcome to open a Site Development > Tool Suggestions thread for each of them.
It would not feel like spam if the thread for each tool suggestion is distinct enough to highlight why you think it should be added to the website, how it conforms with the current criteria for frontends, your personal experiences with the frontend as an end user, etc.
As a quite recent example, there are 5 different threads which suggest tools for private media consumption, as well as one Site Development > Guide Suggestions thread proposing a knowledge base article for it.
Yet these suggestions do not feel like spam to me because the original posts for each thread are detailed and distinct enough to invite discussion and input from community members.
I disagree that one thread housing multiple suggestions makes sense because if a new or returning community member wants to look for community opinions on a specific frontend, then they would have to scroll through comments about other frontends to find what they’re looking for.
This is the reason for this reminder post about keeping threads on-topic:
And this post:
Opening a separate thread for a tool not mentioned in the thread’s original post not only makes forum administration and moderation easier, but also makes the forum experience for community members more streamlined.
Please do if you or anyone else reading your comment feel so inclined.
Opened a thread for LibRedirect and will create a couple specific front-end suggestion threads for the ones I consider most valuable. Appreciate the input!
I am going to close this as this is not going to work this way as @redoomed1 pointed out we review each listing individually. This would become one messy discussion not going to get to any conclusions. You can recommend each tool separately. Please do look for existing discussions tho (many already have a discussion thread on the forum)