Looking for VoIP provider with free toll-free phone number calling

Hi there, here’s a bit of news that should surprise nobody:

Although I hated using Skype, it was a nice emergency option for calling toll-free phone numbers of banks or whatever in case of an emergency while traveling. So that’s the last free option I know of with a username/password combo for accessing the service. (Google Calls is now defunct, and Google Voice doesn’t work outside of the US.) Viber does offer free toll-free number calling, but the account is associated with a mobile phone number and requires the mobile app to sign up, both of which I hate. Any other option(s) I’m missing?

Totally agree! I’m registered with Viber. I’ve tried ringing a couple of 0800 UK landline numbers. The notifications say; ‘This number doesn’t have Viber. To proceed, you need to buy a subscription at 5.99 GBP per month’. If I find any free service that works I’ll post again!