This alone instantly meaningless, basicly: “i know better what you thought, than you do…”
also TL;DR
Your statements are incorrect:
- PP is an SL frontend, no difference in “aliases kept” policy (i mean inner workings, not actual ToS/policy, but that is easily cicrumventable)
- All aliases are in SL, regardless of creation “website”
- Proton (account), Proton Mail, Proton(mail)-alias, ProtonPass, ProtonPass-alias, SimpleLogin, and SimpleLogin-alias, should not used as freely interchangable names, those are too different in some cases (read the whole pos for clarity)
- In the world of apps, browser addons, mobile appls, mentioning “websites” confusing/restictive/ makes false impression, when you want to be “more clear for others reading this”. Sure some things not avaible everywhere (e.g. totp setup in browser addons), but “as long as you manually create your aliases through the SimpleLogin website” just makes the usage not right.
Main meat
Proton existed (P), ProtonMail existed (PM), SimpLogin existed (SL), SL got bought by P and ProtonPass got created (PP).
- P accounts can exist without a PM
- PM accounts needed alias solutions
- SL accounts can exist without any P integration
- PM/PP/SL has a free and paid tier
The information above also means P had to have a solution to have aliases before bought SL, or created PP, so -as the forum-mates wrote:
“all aliases you created continue working normally, both on receiving and sending emails”…“only true if … not through Proton”
Means: if you have a P account, with P/PM premium, and you stop your subscription, you lose the PM premium benefits, what is includes the PROTON ALIASES. (not SL, not PP)
BUT not the same with PP ans SL:
account relation SL existed as it did. But P bought it. And created/integrated it as PP:
Alias management:
- If you create an alias-containing entry (in PP), the alias pops into the attached SL.
- If it is the first, or there is no attached SL account (meaning the previously attached is deattached), it will create a new SL account (loginable with the above mentioned button).
- But if you create a new alias in SL, while that account is attached to a P/PP account, it will not show up in PP, there is no backwards compatibility.
- If you created aliases in PP, but you deattach the SL account, both account keep a memory of it.
- in PP you will get an error while loading it in, but it stays in the listing
- in SL, since it is the main system part, everithing works normally
- You can attach already existing and filled SL accounts to P(P) accounts, and the newly created aliases will be created in that SL account.
- attached SL’s selected alias format (words or random alphanumeric) modifies the PP generated alias format (in PP there is no ption for that)
- SL only lists its own avaible aliases for creation, as well PPonly lists its aliases for creation, but sure, after created, all managable in SL.
Premiums: I had an SL premium, when the above mentioned “1 year free PP” dropped, and i had overlapping time:
- SL premium is independent from the PP or its premium
- PP plus is independent from SL or its premium
- (P ultimate upgrades everithing, i think)
Bonus: if you use up your alias limit in SL, you can attach it to a PP what has an other 10 free alias limit [not used yet] (since the premiums are not linked, PP should be able to default overpush SL’s alias limit) , but if you create your aliases in PP first, you already using up your 10 SL slot (free tier)
In one way or an other i went through mostly all combinations/variations of the above mentioned things, even tried or used 1-2 different proton, or external (mail) accounts to see what is possible, and i can say: it is not that complicated, but needed to sit on it a bit.