Unique icon/highlight for best-case tools

It would be an easy way to know if a tool just fulfills the minimum requirements or if it fits the best-case criteria.

probably the order?

I mean, having them in order can tell you which one is better or worse. But it can’t tell you clearly which one suits the best-case criteria or minimum requirements.

It feels like this would start a “top recommended” war. I mean its hard enough to get inside the recommended list, being on top of said list might start a user war on this forum and I dont think we need that kind of drama.

We should probably consider this aspect and maybe focus on the user’s specific use case.

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Wouldn’t this be for the order thing? Which I think might be more subjective.

Putting a icon to clarify that a tool applies to best case would follow the best-case criteria that was already made. (For example in the encrypted messengers section)