Tutorial on deleting all your Discord messages

  1. Request all of your messages from Discord. https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/360004957991-Your-Discord-Data-Package

  2. Use this Python script to dump your messages: GitHub - ishnz/bulk_deletion_helper: Bunch of python scripts that will help you dump your messages in a specific format used in discord GDPR message deletion requests

  3. Visit this site: https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/requests/new

  4. Choose Contact Discord Privacy in the dropdown menu.

  5. Politely threaten Discord with GDPR.

  6. Attach a .txt file that you obtained by using the Python script.

  7. After receiving the confirmation, check if they really deleted your messages.


@Lukas This may (or may not) work, but isnt easier to just delete whole account?

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Unfortunately, deleting your account doesn’t delete your messages.


And if your account doesn’t fall under GDPR jurisdiction?

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if under CCPA you could try that. IIRC Theoretically discord does not tell if you;re in the EU or US but if they do you can the threaten GDPR or CCPA. Theoretically IIRC they dont confirm if you’re in california or not

It doesn’t matter, they don’t know that.

@yes any source?



@Lukas Thanks, but Id much prefer same with DDG.

In my experience, Discord refuses to delete messages, and you really have to fight with them to get them to delete even the messages with the most obvious PII. They aren’t going to accept a txt file with all your messages.

Have you succeeded in getting them to actually delete all your messages and not just anonymise your account?

honestly I feel that NTTS in this case puts it best:

I guess I’ll try this and get back to y’all in two months… Wish me luck.

edit: Got my data export back in less than 4 hours so that’s a start. :+1:

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Are there any updates?

I got stonewalled and didn’t have the time / forgot to follow up over the holidays. They told me I had submitted my request through the wrong channels and then linked me to the very same channel I had submitted my request through.

Thanks for reminding me to try again, though I have very low hopes of succeeding honestly.

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I have been sucessful in deleting the data, but discord has been sneakily trying to make it as complicated as possible, now going from just requesting to now needing to add personal information as a keyword to accept your request and only acepting CSV which luckliy tools have accounted for.
I’ll give links to help people out more easily going into the future. Shoutout to GOYDA228 for the site and of course the creators of the bulk deletion helpers like Dorifor and of course the guy who made the python script one: ishnz

this is a website they crafted for GDPR and Discord (and in general they should accept it as they cant be bothered to actually verify if you;re in the EU or UK so.)

@phnx likely gonna need it too.

if this could be marked as solution even better otherwise yeah.

  1. Attach a .txt file that you obtained by using the Python script.

If law enforcement is your threat model please never delete your data with GDPR. If you do something like step 6, this interaction will be logged so your data is not really gone.

what do you mean by this. or rather tf you’re talking about?
GDPR doesn’t require your disclose personal information when requesting information to be removed in the case of discord messages.
Also .txt is no longer accepted it’s .csv
and when the requested is done even if law enforcement was to get a copy of the csv file:

  1. They wouldn’t want to dig into the 100k+ Messages just to track you down, it’s a waste of time when resources could be put to Better use
  2. When the messages are removed, law enforcement doesn’t have them so they can’t be used against you

You should make sure they delete the interaction from their support systems too though, otherwise there is probably a risk your list of messages sticks around there.

They are still obligated to delete that data.

Unfortunately topics in the Privacy category can’t have posts marked as solutions.

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I’ve just sent a request to Discord, let’s see what happens.