Recommendation improvement

From a cursory search on the forum, the following threads and replies pop up for each of the “categories” you mentioned.

1: Add a Navigation Section
2: Organic Maps

Link to the above reply: Downside of using Google apps on GrapheneOS? - #14 by dngray

See the following exchange in 1 and 2

1: Alternative Android Launchers (FOSS) - #4 by matchboxbananasynergy

It’s hard to think that if you’re worried about the stock OS on your Android device “spying” on you, simply replacing the launcher will fix or even improve the situation. It will only introduce another party into the mix. The OEM has a lot of other things installed on your device in most cases, including things you can’t remove, so the effects of replacing the launcher are dubious.

2: Alternative Android Launchers (FOSS) - #8 by ph00lt0

if the launcher is doing shady stuff many core systems will probably do so as well on those devices. The only good way to get rid of that is installing a custom [operating system]. Replacing the launcher simply isn’t solving anything.