Seeing recent posts regarding Proton and OnlyOffice implementing opt-out telemetry, it would be a good idea to include on the website whether each recommended app/program has any (enabled-by-default) analytics.
I’d expect that if something is recommended by PG, that either it would be privacy respecting by default, or that PG would provide guidance (alongside with the recommendation) on how to make it actually respect the user’s privacy.
I partially agree, due to the fact some people think telemetry is evil. Then, when they see it in these applications, they are shocked and say, “proton bad and evil company cuz big, bad anonymous telemtery!!1!111!!” or “how dare onlyoffice have such telemetry!!1!1 so bad, even more worse than microsoft office!!1!1!1” (I exaggerated it, but you should understand my point.)
Personally, I believe there should instead be a section in the Knowledge Base about telemetry. This is instead of your suggestion for PrivacyGuides informing users on each application’s telemetry.
Remember, the PrivacyGuides team would have to maintain and update those mentions, lest it becomes outdated, and there’s a lot.
Sure, I think we should do this. I can’t promise a timetable on when this could happen for every listing, but we can accept PRs that add this guidance to listings.
I have no information on the matter, and I don’t use Proton. It seems like they are also not very clear about what analytics are collected in their priv. pol.
However, “anonymous” diagnostics can be made “not anonymous” depending on its contents, crash reports if handled incorrectly can contain personal information etc. If one doesn’t understand or trust the provider to handle this appropriately, it’s best to disable.