Proton and Standard Notes are joining forces


That’s a lot of marketing speech in the blog post, but I agree that they do seem to fit well together philosophy wise.
I always felt that Standard Notes struggled a bit with marketing and community management, two things Proton does well, so there should be untapped potential selling Standard Notes’ proven technology. If they integrate as well as with SimpleLogin this could work out very well for all parties, including Proton’s customers.


I just got the email about this too. This is great news. I still didn’t get a paid subscription because something in their payments goes wrong but I really like the app and blogging feature with


Im paying for both but got neither mail? Is this a time zone thing?

Im also trying to separate the services I am using so that it wont be a single point of failure.

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I wonder if this is going to be integrated nicely into Proton Drive. That iirc was one of the weak points with it, no real editing suite.


I’ll be interested to see how this plays out and what it ends up looking like for subscribers to both services.

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Oh god, Standard Notes is such a mid app. Notesnook is much newer and blazes through Standard Notes already. But I’m not surprised they are joining forces considering SN development is SLOW af and Proton is busy making the next big thing while not polishing the existing suite of apps.


If proton can integrate SN with proton drive, we will likely get a version of office suite that is E2EE. This should put proton drive on better feature parity with existing cloud storage providers.


Standard Notes has faced the test of time with a proven track record. If you have any suggestions for improvements to the UI, feel free to share them and we can pass them along to the team!

  • u/Proton_Team

Also I hate when people say things like “Proton is busy making the next big thing while not polishing the existing suite of apps.”

They’ve been already trying to (and actually do) polish their apps. They’ve shipped a lot of improvements since the beginning of 2024, and countinue to do that.


Aspirin : True, I’m surprised that Proton will start working with SN knowing what a disaster SN is, given the numerous bugs reported by many users, as well as all the synchronization issues that can cause data to be lost (which has happened to me personally).

This news won’t change anything for me, I don’t know what they’re trying to do at SN, but this collaboration won’t change their image as a buggy product, Notesnook will continue to be the best application in terms of pricing, UI, customer support and so on.


I would LOVE to have SN integrated in to Proton Drive. Fingers crossed.


I’ve been using Standard Notes for years with no issues, not buggy from my experience.


I dont know how to feel seeing that in the back of my mind, I am thinking of stopping to subscribe to SN and try to find a self hosted solution in maybe Joplin, because as @IksNorTen said it is buggy, but not too horribly buggy that I actually lost data.

Somehow as a Linux enthusiast, I kind of feel like a lower class citizen in their software client offerings and that seems ironic that they would cater primarily to Apple first and Microsoft second.

Their tendency to acquire companies and grow seems like would only make these issues worse.

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Well their last acquisition led to their most polished service since Proton Mail itself, so it seems to work out for them.


Proton CEO said they wanted to have a google-docs like product, so this is it. Probably >1y though, as long it took for alliases integration in Proton Pass.

Standard Notes Press Release : Standard Notes and Proton are joining forces — Decrypted | Standard Notes


I think Proton will continue acquisitions If they wanna be a good alternative to be Google, then they have no choice. However, as long as they adhere to their core principles, I would be happy to see them proceed. I really wanna see a deeply integrated ecosystem of necessary apps, why most people use Google or Microsoft at the first place.


This is good news, I just hope that prices don’t rise with this acquisition and that they don’t spread themselves too thin by abandoning certain services.

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I saw this a lot, what people forget is that they are acquiring new employess.

Yes, what Proton is doing is very good, but it shouldn’t make privacy something that’s only accessible to those who can afford it.
For the moment, I’ve got Proton’s unlimited offer, but that should increase again and again with the multiplication of acquisitions.

not sure how much I like so many privacy services consolidating into one