Standard Notes vs Joplin vs Turtl

After looking at all the available secure notes services, it seems like these are the 3 best note taking apps on the Play Store.

But my question is, of the 3, which one is FULLY Free/Open Source Software? And which ones come pretty darn close?

Give Notesnook a chance. It’s the closest thing to Evernote that I’ve used. I hope PrivacyGuides will include it in their recommended tools section soon

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They’re all Free and Open Source Software.

I don’t think any of them are fully free, but they all are open source. Like the other commenter suggested, I would also recommend Notesnook, it’ll be cheaper than StandardNotes and Turtl, and you’ll get a lot more from it

I am no privacy whiz and am brand new here, but I will tell you that I began using the free version of Standard Notes 2 days ago and have no complaints. I still haven’t fully checked it out, but I was looking for an app that I can use to PW protect my files and that seemed like a good solution and the app itself is very user-friendly (as far as I can tell.)

Hope this helps!