Materialious - A modern interface for Invidious

For the last month I’ve been working on a modern, material you interface for Invidious.

Github (Leave a star if you want)

Hosted instance


  • Watch sync parties.
  • Sponsorblock built-in.
  • Return YouTube dislikes built-in.
  • Video progress tracking & resuming.
  • No ads.
  • No tracking.
  • Light/Dark themes.
  • Custom colour themes.
  • Integrates with Invidious subscriptions, watch history & more.
  • Live stream support.
  • Dash support.
  • Chapters.
  • Audio only mode.
  • Playlists.
  • PWA support.


Looks swish.

By any chance do you know why it won’t show me any higher quality than 720p? I tried in both Firefox and Chromium. yt-dlp shows there is more formats:

[youtube] CbILj_CYqno: Downloading m3u8 information
[info] Available formats for CbILj_CYqno:
sb3     mhtml 48x27        1    β”‚                  mhtml β”‚ images                                  storyboard
sb2     mhtml 80x45        1    β”‚                  mhtml β”‚ images                                  storyboard
sb1     mhtml 160x90       1    β”‚                  mhtml β”‚ images                                  storyboard
sb0     mhtml 320x180      1    β”‚                  mhtml β”‚ images                                  storyboard
233     mp4   audio only        β”‚                  m3u8  β”‚ audio only          unknown             Default
234     mp4   audio only        β”‚                  m3u8  β”‚ audio only          unknown             Default
139-drc m4a   audio only      2 β”‚  646.63KiB   49k https β”‚ audio only          mp4a.40.5   49k 22k low, DRC, m4a_dash
139     m4a   audio only      2 β”‚  646.62KiB   49k https β”‚ audio only          mp4a.40.5   49k 22k low, m4a_dash
249     webm  audio only      2 β”‚  827.25KiB   63k https β”‚ audio only          opus        63k 48k low, webm_dash
250     webm  audio only      2 β”‚    1.04MiB   80k https β”‚ audio only          opus        80k 48k low, webm_dash
140-drc m4a   audio only      2 β”‚    1.67MiB  130k https β”‚ audio only          mp4a.40.2  130k 44k medium, DRC, m4a_dash
140     m4a   audio only      2 β”‚    1.67MiB  130k https β”‚ audio only          mp4a.40.2  130k 44k medium, m4a_dash
251     webm  audio only      2 β”‚    1.94MiB  150k https β”‚ audio only          opus       150k 48k medium, webm_dash
602     mp4   256x144     15    β”‚ ~  1.07MiB   81k m3u8  β”‚ vp09.00.10.08   81k video only
269     mp4   256x144     30    β”‚ ~  1.59MiB  121k m3u8  β”‚ avc1.4D400C    121k video only
160     mp4   256x144     30    β”‚  431.77KiB   33k https β”‚ avc1.4D400C     33k video only          144p, mp4_dash
603     mp4   256x144     30    β”‚ ~  2.09MiB  159k m3u8  β”‚ vp09.00.11.08  159k video only
278     webm  256x144     30    β”‚  893.31KiB   68k https β”‚ vp09.00.11.08   68k video only          144p, webm_dash
229     mp4   426x240     30    β”‚ ~  2.48MiB  188k m3u8  β”‚ avc1.4D4015    188k video only
133     mp4   426x240     30    β”‚  851.98KiB   64k https β”‚ avc1.4D4015     64k video only          240p, mp4_dash
604     mp4   426x240     30    β”‚ ~  2.50MiB  190k m3u8  β”‚ vp09.00.20.08  190k video only
242     webm  426x240     30    β”‚  949.54KiB   72k https β”‚ vp09.00.20.08   72k video only          240p, webm_dash
230     mp4   640x360     30    β”‚ ~  5.01MiB  380k m3u8  β”‚ avc1.4D401E    380k video only
134     mp4   640x360     30    β”‚    1.51MiB  117k https β”‚ avc1.4D401E    117k video only          360p, mp4_dash
18      mp4   640x360     30  2 β”‚ β‰ˆ  3.24MiB  246k https β”‚ avc1.42001E         mp4a.40.2       44k 360p
605     mp4   640x360     30    β”‚ ~  5.25MiB  398k m3u8  β”‚ vp09.00.21.08  398k video only
243     webm  640x360     30    β”‚    1.84MiB  142k https β”‚ vp09.00.21.08  142k video only          360p, webm_dash
231     mp4   854x480     30    β”‚ ~  8.91MiB  676k m3u8  β”‚ avc1.4D401F    676k video only
135     mp4   854x480     30    β”‚    2.51MiB  195k https β”‚ avc1.4D401F    195k video only          480p, mp4_dash
606     mp4   854x480     30    β”‚ ~  7.29MiB  553k m3u8  β”‚ vp09.00.30.08  553k video only
244     webm  854x480     30    β”‚    2.87MiB  222k https β”‚ vp09.00.30.08  222k video only          480p, webm_dash
22      mp4   1280x720    30  2 β”‚ β‰ˆ  5.94MiB  450k https β”‚ avc1.64001F         mp4a.40.2       44k 720p
232     mp4   1280x720    30    β”‚ ~ 16.88MiB 1280k m3u8  β”‚ avc1.4D401F   1280k video only
136     mp4   1280x720    30    β”‚    4.15MiB  321k https β”‚ avc1.4D401F    321k video only          720p, mp4_dash
609     mp4   1280x720    30    β”‚ ~ 12.57MiB  954k m3u8  β”‚ vp09.00.31.08  954k video only
247     webm  1280x720    30    β”‚    5.45MiB  422k https β”‚ vp09.00.31.08  422k video only          720p, webm_dash
270     mp4   1920x1080   30    β”‚ ~ 35.57MiB 2698k m3u8  β”‚ avc1.640028   2698k video only
137     mp4   1920x1080   30    β”‚   17.95MiB 1391k https β”‚ avc1.640028   1391k video only          1080p, mp4_dash
614     mp4   1920x1080   30    β”‚ ~ 22.62MiB 1716k m3u8  β”‚ vp09.00.40.08 1716k video only
248     webm  1920x1080   30    β”‚   10.94MiB  848k https β”‚ vp09.00.40.08  848k video only          1080p, webm_dash
616     mp4   1920x1080   30    β”‚ ~ 37.06MiB 2811k m3u8  β”‚ vp09.00.40.08 2811k video only          Premium

Video I used to test:

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Yes, you need to enable dash in settings.

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so piped, basically?

Sure, piped with more features.

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Is there a way to import playlists and subscriptions?

A related inquiry - does anyone have a recommendation for, or a way to quantify which Invidious (or Piped) instances are reliable?

I am constantly refreshing my instance selections on LibRedirect but am still greeted by errors, broken pages, or ultra slow video rendering more often than not.

Ah yes, that was it :+1:

Congratulations, you should be proud!

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Looks neat. BTW you could make the phone interface better. See screenshot

Yea been planning on fixing small UI scaling issues like that. Thanks for pointing it out :+1:

Fixed via Update/close minor issues by WardPearce Β· Pull Request #84 Β· Materialious/Materialious Β· GitHub


Nah. I prefer the old ugly interface. I don’t need to have more reasons to stay on YouTube. In fact, I’d like someone to create an interface that is so ugly you won’t wanna stay there long :smile: