Is Firefox multi-account containers addon worth using?

As far as I can see this isn’t recommended on the main Privacy Guides site. I have been using it and it seems like a good idea to be able to compartmentalise different sites. However, I’ve also seen lots of advice that the more add-ons you use the easier it is to fingerprint you, so I’m trying to cut down on my list of add-ons, and I wondered if multi-account containers is something I could do without.

My attempts to research this on the web turn up surprisingly little useful stuff, some people raving about it a couple of years ago but nothing recently, and I wonder if it’s maybe not such a great idea as it initially seems. Maybe even without this add-on Firefox does a fairly good job at keeping sites compartmentalised - it’s really hard for a non-expert like me to tell.

For what it’s worth, I do use uBlock Origin and that’s the one add-on I’m currently not considering getting rid of - everything else is a possible candidate for removal. :slight_smile:

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Multi-account containers are only really useful if you need to log in to multiple accounts for the same site at the same time. Firefox has a feature called Total Cookie Protection that keeps sites from seeing cookies from other sites. Of course having everything sorted into different categories can be useful for organization, but there’s no real privacy benefit anymore from using it.


Thanks for the (super!) quick and helpful response. That makes perfect sense, and since I don’t have multiple accounts on any one site which I need to try to keep separate, it looks like multi-account containers can go. Cheers!


You’re (super) welcome!

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I think it does if you use it with their VPN service. You can then have dedicated IP adress for different usage.


Oh that’s cool, wasn’t aware.

It seems this is still relevant if you want to add cookie exceptions for certains sites: bugzilla 1767271. If I understand this right, it means that cookies left behind by those websites will not be partitioned anymore and all sites could access them.