How do i make telegram burners that don't get banned?

I bought numbers off 5sim and used vpn but they kept getting banned.

Take it a sign to not use Telegram because it is an inferior IM chat app.

But if you are dead set for it - use SMS pool

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I don’t use it for my main chatting app, ill try using it, thanks.

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I have some balance now but how should i make it since they don’t allow alts?

I don’t want my isp to see anything so a proxy wouldn’t work right?
But at the same time i can’t use a vpn.

I don’t follow what you said. What?!

Please explain and elaborate what you exactly want and don’t want and why. I can only respond with accuracy or specificity then. Thanks!

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Using VPN is fine.

Are you saying your “new” numbers keep getting banned after registration, even without sending message?

If yes thats unusual, but if you sent some message and then get banned then you need to review your message.

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First of all, tg is an app for reading tg channels.

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telegram has the annoying tendency of banning without even giving a reason
I got banned from TG before but never knew why, my guess is that I was following a ransomware channel (nothing illegal, just to have an idea of data breaches arroudn the world) anyways, I created another account with a new number and used another device (my tablet) and had no issues until i joined another data breaches channel lol
I’m not 100% sure, but I can easily assume that tg will know it is you if you use the same device. you can try with a cheap smartphone to create a new telegram account
also, dont put telegram on the same computer(my advice if you want to view the channels is to install telegram on a virtual machine)

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Objectively incorrect.

TG is whatever it can be used for.

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so, i deposited balance on smspool but i dont know how to make an account without getting banned.
if i use a proxy my isp will see what im doing right?
but since telegram doesnt allow vpns i cant use that.
because i need to be in the same country as the number is from right?

maybe the numbers from 5sim were virtual or something.
i only joined a group with my friends.