eBay Money Back Guarantee or eBay and PayPal Buyer Protection Together: Which is Better for a High-Value Purchase?

If a person is planning to make a high-value purchase, such as a PC for around $1000 on eBay, is the eBay Money Back Guarantee sufficient on its own, or is it better to use a combination of the eBay Money Back Guarantee and PayPal Buyer Protection for added security?

The concern is that PayPal has a bad reputation from a privacy perspective, so if that person adds PayPal, they might lose some privacy. For high-value purchases, is it better to sacrifice privacy for better protection against scams, or is eBay’s protection alone enough?

This person is not wealthy but has a stable income of around $800 a month, living in a wealthy country that is not as wealthy as the USA, just to give an idea of the value of the money. He lives with his parents and does not have to pay for food and housing. He has a serious and legitimate reason for still living with his parents, but I prefer not to disclose personal details.

tbh idk how in any way this is related to Privacy Guides.
But as someone who has bought a Pixel 7 this way, both will do.
I had a Pixel 7 Package lost in USPS, Because the tracking was not being updated for 30 days now, filed a case with the seller and ebay and the seller got ebay to refund me which is great. The next shipment I used if worse shipping method which is Pitney Bowes but fortunately the seller actually responded to my concerns about shipping, I bought the phone and it’s as good as new if actually still has used marks but works!

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I put it in the off-topic section, so I did the right thing. Also, because PayPal has a bad reputation for privacy but a good reputation for protecting you when you buy things, it raises the issue of privacy versus security. This presents a good opportunity for people here to share their opinions about this situation because this forum is full of individuals passionate about privacy and security.