Calender/To-Do List apps that sync with other users

My partner and I have been using the FamilyWall app, which let’s us both update and see a shared calendar and various shopping and to-do lists on each of our respective devices.
It’s a useful app for our household, but unfortunately it’s closed-sourced and comes with a ton of Google trackers, and I’d rather Google and whoever else not know that we need more mayonnaise and that D&D is on Saturday at 5.
Are there any FOSS or near-FOSS apps out there that could possibly replace it?

How about Peergos?

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probably not without self hosting

We use Nextcloud for all of that and more.

Using a CalDAV server (selfhosted) would probably be the answer here for the most privacy friendly option for the amount of inconvenience. You can create a new calendar which syncs in the background.

Now, an easier method which I have been using is iCloud as my CalDAV server. I have it synced on my Mac & android through CalDAV (busycal & davx5 respectively). I’m sure you can create a “shared” calendar which you both choose to sync.

The downside to the icloud method is that your partner (or you), can choose to also sync your personal calendar if they choose to do so. This is simply a case of whether or not you trust your partner with these things.

My icloud is e2e (though, iclouds end to end encryption isn’t the typical e2e, it simply encrypts data at transit & at rest rather than encrypting on device before leaving.), and I am not that worried that a specific apple employee will use the decryption keys to check my calendar, so I use this method, albeit not as privacy respective as many other options