I did a large study on this whole ordeal, multiple times. Here is what I can say about it.
The takedown of TrueCrypt was indeed very “weird”. I surely wouldn’t rule out the “feds” having something to do with it. It was sudden and with very little explanation.
Not only was TrueCrypt the first really SOLID piece of encryption software that made high-grade encryption accessible to the masses (by accessible, i mean, easy to use cross platform, not GPG or LUKS linux-only command line stuff lol), also, the devs tried be sneaky and anonymous. These two things would make them an easy target for the feds.
The underlying reason of why people think VeraCrypt is backdoored or more insecure than TC is because VeraCrypt is left alone, compared to TC who was (apparently) attacked and shutdown, if you believe this story. The image in one’s mind is that they don’t attack things unless they are genuinely good software that they can’t break or backdoor.
I remember reading some stories about a guy who used TC and the police who got him were so upset that they couldn’t break it without the password, and the story was extensive and believable, seemed legit. Just something interesting.
Here is the story, i found the link:
But the VeraCrypt team did things much differently. They have an open team with a proper org and everything, everything is done out in the open. Plus, assuming the TC takedown was feds, I think they know they couldn’t try it again without raising tons of eyebrows. Plus with soooo much encryption software out in the wild now, it wouldn’t do anything good. All these together are why I think Veracrypt is left alone. So essentially, the feds hated TC with a passion, and got it taken down, but now realize that doing so again is futile. That’s my personal consensus.
I put on my tinfoil bias cap when I did my research, I really tried very hard to find any evidence that Veracrypt was unsafe, but I couldn’t find anything other than the timing of Veracrypt’s rise itself, which seems pretty standard given the passion surrounding TC and the need to replace it.
A lot of the reason I gave above was directly from the Veracrypt team, and I agree with them: