Isn’t this a security concern? There hasn’t been any updates since October.
Not unless there is a vulnerability with it. If you’re on linux just use LUKS or Bitlocker on Windows (that at least makes use of your TPM for rate limiting).
Perhaps it’s just not necessary? More security updates doesn’t always mean better security.
I have a feeling Veracrypt was built secure from the very beginning so these security holes that other Apps seem to be constantly having just aren’t an issue with Veracrypt.
There is no reason to update it unless a bug is discovered. And if you read Veracrypt forums you will see that the single developer recently posted about having family problems and his inability to dedicate too much time to Veracrypt.
They are releasing pre-releases, most recently VeraCrypt / Forums / General Discussion: Release Candidate 1.26.13 Released
I consider this a Release Candidate for the official version that will succeed 1.26.7 after nearly one year. Therefore, tests and feedback are welcome.
And they removed RIPEMD-160 hash algorithm and the GOST89 encryption algorithm since version 1.26 @dngray
I was talking about why you shouldn’t use TrueCrypt, but the fact that GOST 28147-89 was even added to VeraCrypt in the first place, is kinda dodgy.
I appreciate your reply!
I still feel like Veracrypt was built upon “a strong core”, that being Truecrypt. To make a comparison, if a skyscraper is built on titanium beams then it shouldn’t require constant maintenance or any additions to keep it standing upright.
A new update was released 1.26.14 (August 25th, 2024) and a hotfix for Windows users, 1.26.15 (September 2nd, 2024).
Can close this thread.