1) Do you use an alias (as in Proton Pass/Simple Login) or do you have a dedicated email for it?
2) Whichever option you choose, why do you choose it? And what is your protocol?
I would personally rather use a Proton Pass alias (@passinbox.com) for correspondence with my doctor, but I have some concerns.
a) It’s not clear to me if it’s possible to send end-to-end encrypted and/or password protected e-mails from aliases. Is it?
b) If I ever need to change my alias, I risk losing all my past correspondence tied to my original alias. At least with Proton.
Let’s face it, the vast majority of health professionals don’t use end-to-end encrypted (E2EE) email. What’s worse is that I’ve seen quite a few who don’t have their own domain and use a G-Mail account for their practice.
That’s why I want to use E2EE and password protect all my e-mail correspondence with them. I intend to have a unique passphrase for each medical professional.
a) How do I send them the password if we have only one channel of communication?
I could call, but given that I use long passphrases, there’s a good chance that who ever answers the phone will make a mistake. A lot of businesses have WhatsApp these days (I know), including medical practices, but I have no idea if the reception or my doctor has access to it.
b) What should I do if my doctor uses G-Mail and needs to refer me to another doctor?
I don’t want details about my medical history with my full name attached to be on their G-Mail.
Would appreciate your advice.
Thank you.