We’ve all seen trolls spreading misinformation and FUD. Eventually, topics get locked, but it does take awhile.
As PG grows, it will need to ask the difficult questions that all major players come across. We’re really far from that point, but I’m wondering if PG and the @team already have a policy to address the delicate balance that is free speech vs hate/FUD/misinformation speech?
While I agree that OP, of your example topic, was not a serious person it looks like they deleted their account only hours after they came back from suspension.
I have been a regular user of the forum for a little over a year now and I don’t see this type of stuff as a common occurrence.
I am not sure much extra needs to be done in this respect.
Flagging posts helps, as does not engaging in the first place.
In my experience, it’s sometimes difficult to gather whether someone is a troll or simply has a difference of opinion. Having a difference of opinion while engaging in good faith and being open minded shouldn’t be punished, so treading that line is probably also quite difficult.