Blocking/Muting certain users, possible?

I’m not used to these forums so pardon my ignorance, is it possible to block people here? I would like not to see comments from certain users whom I know my values don’t stand with. So far I’ve been just remembering their names, but besides keeping them in my head rent free, it would be easier to just at the very least mute them. So is it possible?

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Go here and you will be able to select users to ignore. As a result, all their posts will be replaced with “ignored content”, and you will not be notified when they post. You can also disable DM’s from all but specified users on the same page if that is a concern.

There’s nothing in that option, just “User” written and save changes options.

And is there any way to ignore comments as well? That was the main thing I wanted

Ignoring users does ignore comments. It does the following: “Suppress all posts, messages, notifications, personal messages, and chat direct messages from these users.”

The option appears for me but it may be a trust level thing. Hopefully @jonah will be able to provide a definitive answer based on this forums settings.

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The way I suggested works for hidden users too but I’m unsure if it available for users with the new user trust level.


If you are Trust Level 2 you can ignore users as @phnx suggested.

New users can reach TL2 in about 15 days minimum.

I don’t really think it is healthy to go around blocking a bunch of people in a community you just joined, so I’m not going to look into whether this setting could be changed. Of course if the other person is in violation of community guidelines, you shouldn’t be blocking them in the first place, you should be flagging their posts so that a moderator can handle it. If they’re just a bit of a thorn in your side, I think you can coexist with them for a couple weeks before making a final judgement.


I agree. Ignoring people because you don’t agree with them or your values doesn’t match one to one is pretty extreme.


Thank you for your concern. I’ve been in this community for quite a while now, I mostly lurk around and occasionally participate using burner accounts. I understand where you’re coming from- but when a person doesn’t change after multiple people call them out on their bias over certain stuff (say platform wars), it’s best to just save your time and ignore them.

They aren’t breaking guidelines per gse, but it gets very annoying when you see same opinion over and over.

You can always hide content from specific users in your browser with a custom uBlock Origin filter like this, no account required:[data-user-id="3857"] .cooked:style(display: none !important)

I will leave figuring out how this works as an exercise to the reader :laughing:

I wonder how user 3857 feels about this :grinning:

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Does such user even exist? I have no idea how to check user IDs of forum members.

They would have created their account within the past 2 days. I found 3856 but the elusive 3857 hasn’t posted yet.

Hint: Inspect element

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It’d be awfully hypocritical if user 3857 was against it :slight_smile:

ohh. @lurker2020 is user 3857. Pack it up boys.

The guy will now ignore himself after following the instructions.

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Thats quite the conundrum, I must say.

Muting should suffice for now, but it hasn’t been working so far as intended. I think I’ll just learn to ignore them :slightly_smiling_face: