What are the best and still active anonymous wallets for cryptocurrencies in 2024?

Many past anonymous wallets were closed by the government, so it is helpful to know which are still open and which are the best.


cake wallet bitcoin with silent payments.

monero com wallet for monero.


What do you think about using cake wallet for Bitcoin and also Monero?

Using a multi-coin wallet like Cake Wallet is just an unnecessary attack surface in my opinion.

On a related note, has anyone tried the new Cupcake companion app for/by Cake Wallet? Cupcake | Cake Wallet Guides, they don’t list it on the site but it is also available for download on Accrescent.

Could you expand on this? On the one hand, cake wallet is available, along with cupcake, on accrescent. On the other, where the monero website mentions the monero-only app, the link to the apk sends you to github to what seems like the multi-currency version? Pros and cons?

Yes, works great.

Monero.com is only for Monero, Cake Wallet is multi-coin.

Ok. Now i found the monero-only app on github, you had to click on “display all assets” first. What about the attack surface, though? How much of a risk is that?

its better to use monero-cli on termux :joy::joy:

Moneroju is not maintained and has some bugs last I checked.

But otherwise you’d use two different apps (let’s say if you use Bitcoin and Monero), wouldn’t that be even more attack surface?

That’s why Cake Wallet exists. Use that if you need support for multiple coins, otherwise use monero.com for exclusively Monero.

I’m more worried about my keys being stolen because of the flaw inside the app itself than the vulnerability escaping Android’s app sandbox.

That’s what cupcake is for, right? Air-gapping the wallet and its keys?
