The video introduces the tool but also walks through what is meant by each category of data that companies say they collect or use. The video is cool, but the tool also looks great for parsing privacy policies as they are often just long, unwelcoming walls of text.
Reject Convenience the channel also looks like a great resource! He focuses more on digital minimalism but there is definitely overlap in his content with digital privacy. I recommend it!
The location data section was crazy to see visualized.
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How is the tool used? I click your link below the video and it’s a page with the boxes. Does this get installed in a browser as an extension? I see no where to paste a privacy policy.
In the video the creator goes through how to use it. It’s not like an app or something. It’s more like a reference or cheat sheet that explains what these buckets of data collection mean and what are some key terms to search in the privacy policy itself. So you open up the privacy policy and use these website to find terms for the topics you’re looking for it.
Sorry, I thought this was your tool.
I have an extension called “Terms of Service; Didn’t read” that gives a summary of site privacy policies in simple terms.
I learned about that in other forum. Seems super handy!
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Understanding Privacy Policy sounds like a great page to include on Privacy Guides
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Link to "Terms of Service; Didn’t read”