Simplelogin for privacy question

I am starting to rely heavily on Simplelogin (connected to main Proton email) for email addresses and have been moving almost all contacts over. Are there any unknown risks or missteps that this can cause in the future? I simply build one email for each business/website contact. I think it is advertised as unlimited.
Note: I test the business/website first to be sure they will accept a Simplelogin address and so far each place has.

I can really only think of two things:

  1. Don’t expect true anonymity from it, Proton could easily de-anonymize you if they went rogue, were compromised, or were coerced by the Swiss government. It sounds like this isn’t an issue for your threat model.
  2. Be wary of putting all your eggs in one basket. This is a general rule and you’re no worse off than just using a single email provider for everything, but it’s worth keeping in mind. Sometimes services shut down rather suddenly, sometimes users get banned, etc. If you like to have redundancy, be sure to plan for this.

Thank you for the response. I gotta say that this was my instinct as well (all eggs in one basket) and the fact that services shutdown on us.
No, I do not require anonymity, just trying to reduce my profile toward privacy.

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