Hi, do you know of any services that have a good privacy url redirection / shortening service? Quite a lot of links from privacy apps have long urls that aren’t human readable.
You want to stick with the first party one. For example YouTube has a URL shortener if you use the share button. Otherwise you can figure out what parts of the URL are actually necessary and cut out the extra bits to shorten it.
Edit: Possibly misguided advice
(see post #4)
I’m not 100% sure if I correctly understand what you are asking for/asking about, but my go-to when I want to shorten a link manually is Duckduckgo.
For example, this is a ddg short url: https://is.gd/QWI5GL [1] and if you click it, you can see an example of how to generate them.
example link resolves to lmddgtfy.net ↩︎
Yeah, a shortening service like is.gd is cool, however I don’t know if you’ve read is.gd’s privacy policy, they use google analytics.
Thanks for alerting me to this. Apologies for the misguided advice. Until now, I was under the (apparently wrong) impression this was a DDG provided service, not a 3p integration.
In the case of the redirection, I would suggest Predirect (based on Mv3) or Libredirect (Powerful than Predirect but still on Mv2, Mv3 still on progress). Both are browser extension.
There is a similar app for Android which is when set as the default Browser strips tracking and redirects URLs as required similar to Redirector extension.
I’m looking for something that is more like a url shortening services like is.gd or bitly but is secure and private
some 0x0 instances have the shortening feature (though not 0x0.st)
It is a bad idea to use and trust third party link shorters. It prevents you from being able to check where the link will go and you will add another party that you need to trust with keeping the links secured and private. I see little reason to use any of these services.
My use case is to share a privatebin url via word of mouth, not via qr code or otherwise. So having a short link someone can write down is a must.
Share the passphrase by word of mouth. Put the url somewhere public would be a better idea imho. If you have to be that vigilant that you need to share a url by mouth you surely do not want to rely on a link shorter who could track the activity.
kutt.it is the one you are looking, But signup is disabled you can use a Public instance, https://hstx.eu
or https://maglit.me: This one is advertised as encrypted never knew its working.
These are very promising, thank you!
0x0 is also a very good choice, though I’m having a hard time finding their public instances. envs.net seems to have it, do you know of others?