Remove Startpage

Startpage is owned by an ad-tech agency (System1). While Startpage might truly keep data private, it’s non-obvious why a System1, a publicly traded US company, would want an ownership stake in a “private search engine”.

Though System1 alleges that they have no plans to tinker with Startpage, it’s unclear that they actually don’t.
There may not actually be anything wrong with having the outside investment, but I think that Startpage as a recommendation should come with a warning like this – since you have to dig around Startpage’s site to find this info.

Relevant articles:

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I think this is already adequately explained in the search engine page.


We have thoroughly investigated this back when we were still called ptio, see : Delisting and Relisting


I gave startpage a good go. Changed all from duck to startpage. After a day moved it all back. I searched for something simple, can’t remember now, but it gave no results. I searched again thinking network error, still no results. Went back to duck and results.
Startpage failed for me. Whether it’s private etc :person_shrugging:

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It’s possibly a concern to privacy

Perhaps it would be better to highlight the fact it is owned by System1. Like Even though it’s mentioned on the listing, better to outright highlight it, so as to avoid further calls to remove Startpage, until any future relevant issue to privacy from their end.

Fingerprinting, bad security practices with their Chromium fork, unreliability (I get blocked even without a VPN/Tor sometimes). Please remove startpage, there is no reason to use it as the other search engine options are much better.

EDIT: also, imo, not blocking Tor/VPNs should be a hard requirement for the search engine category.


Isn’t this removed?

As much as I dislike it, not relevant for their search engine. We could eventually make it clear than endorsing a Search engine, doesn’t mean endorsing their Browser.

What is your config ? I haven’t had problems, but I use it for 1/1000 search.

I kinda agree. Though all 3 GSE we list have .onion, albeit with various captchas presence.

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I don’t know, is it?

yeah but it’s a big security fuckup. If they do shit like this, why trust their security practices on other products?

I use librewolf, but I enabled SP in my mum’s stock android phone thinking that wouldn’t be an issue and she got constantly blocked. The result? My mum is back using Google and now isn’t open to try alternative search engines anymore

But, your mom is using a VPN :open_mouth:?

We don’t really trust their security pratices, because we don’t really need to.


We trust it as much as we trust them to not collect information about the users.

I didn’t view the previous issues as disqualifying, but IMO everything related to this browser situation is disqualifying as it relates to trust:

Apparently, StartMail (not Startpage, but they’re related) is getting Cybernews to promote them now as “partner content by a third party”. No idea how significant this sponsorship is.

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Which is more private, Startpage or DuckDuckGo?

Brave Search, it uses its own index instead of relying on Google or Bing.


Already have Brave Search on my browser I use for logging in. Considering a separate browser with a different search engine to compartmentalise my general web browsing.

They also recently sponsored a Techlore video.

Neither, they’re both sketchy. Some are recommending Brave, but they did some stuff as well. I’m currently using SwissCows, as they’re the only decent search engine that is not doing anything shady (that I’m aware of).

EDIT: Apparently they’re undercover FBI too.

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What stuff?

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Example: Brave browser CEO apologizes for automatically adding affiliate links to cryptocurrency URLs - The Verge

There’s a large number of other scandals as well.