Qwacky - An open-source client to generate & manage DuckDuckGo email aliases!

Reposting this because posted it a wrong category

Hello everyone!

I would love to share my recent open-source project, Which is Qwacky!
Qwacky is an open source client for DuckDuckGo Email Protection, Made easy to manage and generate @duck.com aliases via browser extension.

For more information feel free to visit the GitHub repository:

I look forward to further developing Qwacky with your feedback and suggestions.
Also, I’ve submitted the extension to both the Chrome Web Store and Mozilla Add-ons Store.

Chrome version got approved today, you can find the link in the repo
for Firefox it’s still pending and hopefully it approved very soon!

Please leave a star to the repo if you want to follow the latest changes and updates!
I will also reply to this post when the Firefox version is approved.

This is my first post here, Nice to meet you all!


Thanks for sharing your project here it’s so refreshing to see this amount of love in one simple extension


Firefox version is approved!
Check it out in the GitHub repository


can you give a short list of advantages over using the ddg extension? thanks


I did already!

Check it here:

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