Proton ecosystem poll

What Proton services do you use?

  • Proton Pass
  • Proton Drive
  • Proton Mail
  • Proton VPN
  • Proton Calendar
0 voters

How was your experience with the services?

  • Great
  • Good
  • Average
  • Bad
  • Very bad
0 voters

Proton Calendar isn’t on the list.


Forgot about that, thanks.

Now you can’t vote for every five



Could somebody change the max= from 4 to 5 and replace Great with Excellent? I can’t do it myself because 5 minutes have passed since the poll was created…

Why do you find Proton’s VPN suspicious?
And why do you also think it’s a honeypot?

I use Proton primarily for Calendar and Mail, subscribed premium to get more features, then switched VPN to ptoton as well as I have premium anyway.

Pass only for aliases, PM remains to be KeePassDX / KeePassXC.

This approach was meant to distribute trust between multiple companies so you do not have to trust a single one with everything.

It confuses me when people use this approach to make being in a proton ecosystem look like a bad thing. Even though everything is FOSS, audited, E2EE, etc., and all of those things are there to eliminate the trust from the company and the servers.

This is FUD.

Even more FUD.


Personally, I use all the Proton services except PP, and the fact that the password is the same as for the other accounts is an aberration.

Proton has no affiliation with the WEF whatsoever. We simply won an award given out by them to various startups once:, and have since been featured on their website.

via twitter


Expressing an opinion is good, giving a reason is better. I’d like to know why you think Proton is a honeypot and VPN is suspect?
Signal is funded by the US government and has a former anti-privacy minister on its board, Tor is funded by governments, Linux by Microsoft and Mozilla by Google, but you need evidence to make a case, not suspicion.


Why is there no option for none of the above?

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Because this poll is for Proton users.


This is not a place for conspiracy theories and FUD.
Back on-topic, please.


The topic is whether Proton products are used and why some are used more than others.
I think it’s a shame that some comments have been deleted, as I would have liked to hear everyone’s opinions, however different they may be.

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Nothing important got deleted, you can still see what I quoted when replying.

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Yeah, all my post got censored for having an opinion.

Pretty gnarly to have censorship in a privacy forum.

But it is what it is.


Yes, that’s what I wanted to say, I didn’t agree with you, but I would have liked to have your opinion and point of view, it’s damaging.


A baseless claim with no backing isn’t an opinion, it’s fear mongering and deceptive. If you want to state an opinion, it should have some backing to it.


How was it not backed? You can literally do your own due diligence on the topic or just be ignorant to the fact.

It all doesn’t even matter but censorship isn’t cool whether you agree or disagree with somebody.