Location history app

I am looking for an Android app providing location history much like Google Maps’ Timeline or simpler.

Preferred is just a local solution with no server but if required, this isn’t a problem.

I did look at Owntracks but i am not getting the hang of it. Any suggestions would be welcome.

You may look into selfhosting the server if you want to.

Both projects seem to have no active development.

Also, how good this may be for location sharing, that’s not what I am looking for.

It’s not about sharing, but a timeline where was I when.

I have been using GPSLogger | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository to record tracks of my location. I sync them over to my PC with Syncthing and look at them (on the rare occasionally I actually want to) in gpsprune, although the tracks are in a standard format and you can probably view them in something like OSMAnd too.

this is pretty close to what i would need. Only have to look into visualization.

Might be useful