It's time to stop using SMS, here's why!

Hey everyone, I’m super excited to share this new video we’ve been working on! Getting people to move towards secure communications is essential and yet still a large amount of people rely on legacy communication systems like SMS. In this video we:

  • Break down the reasons why you should stop using SMS
  • Discuss alternatives like RCS
  • Offer solutions and alternatives to SMS

This video is aimed towards people who are aren’t aware of the risks of using SMS to communicate.

I also want to say thank you to everyone who provided feedback on the first video, I’ve tried to take onboard all the feedback. I read every comment and your thoughts are much appreciated!


Very well made and a high quality video! Reaching Johnny Harris level professional quality.

Small observation/personal opinion: non-diagetic (background) sound effects like clicks are a bit too loud when you’re narrating. Perhaps dial it down a bit.


PeerTube link


Thank you! I think I’m going to dial down the sound effects and music a but for future videos. I’ve gotten a few comments about that so far, so that’s noted :smiley:


This is the video I needed to share with my family and a few other folks I frequently contact. Great job on the quality and conveying the examples with helpful visuals. This is the kind of thing that really helps the storytelling when convincing people to push out of their consumerism comfort zones.

The constant pushback I get (and I saw it kind of shown with RCS and compatibility) is the issues with using iMessages. My family all use iPhone and I really just don’t like Apple’s business model but I eventually caved a few years ago and got one with them specifically due to the compatibility and sharing photos issues.

I think for me, I really go against Apple more due to their business model and have less of a case for privacy. Though, in theory, a lot of the data you have could be available to the US. That argument wouldn’t have held weight for my family until D Trump came back as president.

Is there an Apple privacy and ethics concern video in the mix? I certainly just need explainers to help drive the case to move off of Apple. Or is Apple okay enough when solely looking through the lens of privacy vs ethics?


[cough] [cough] Public services…


A well done video. Honestly I wish to actually voice act in Greek so I can share it to friends and family who don’t understand English :slight_smile: (and maybe we can also expand on spanish audiences? You get the idea)


This is one area where I think AI can provide a utilitarian value to translate voice to other languages - of course, only if the voices used to translate is unidentifiable to the voice of the person. If not - abuse won’t be too far if people want to defraud others.

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We might be able to pull of subtitles in other languages someday.

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or have volunteers like me, you know. Of course it will need some direction to know where to line it up and stuff but if Tom Scott can pull it off with non voluntary translations (he used to pay the translators before he gave up on his channel) so could we.

sure but I can see how dubbing can become beneficial especially in education uses (under fair use).

I think setting up a git repository where the original English text is placed and then as a community we can work on developing some auto translate models. I wonder if HuggingFace or some other ethical AI company would be interested in offering PG a non profit discount.

Anyways, set up some projects in like HuggingFace and then have that auto populate other translations where we know we have human contributors.

Then we can have the human contributors fix whatever issue the model inevitably spits out and possibly do a dub or if we include timestamps in the transcript, AI TTS doesn’t do too bad with proper timestamping.

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We can get some ideas from the plurality book repository: GitHub - pluralitybook/plurality: Root repository for ⿻數位 Plurality: The Future of Collaborative Technology and Democracy by E. Glen Weyl, Audrey Tang and the Plurality Community

GitHub workflow: plurality/.github/workflows/main.yml at 113ad398f5e7bcb135d5f7d9f4ef3501b7b9ea7e · pluralitybook/plurality · GitHub

Which calls this perl script to compile using pandoc: plurality/scripts/ at 113ad398f5e7bcb135d5f7d9f4ef3501b7b9ea7e · pluralitybook/plurality · GitHub

Others in the community can then translate: GitHub - pluralitybook/plurality: Root repository for ⿻數位 Plurality: The Future of Collaborative Technology and Democracy by E. Glen Weyl, Audrey Tang and the Plurality Community

I still would say just get volunteers out here that would be willing to. NO Need for AI and whatever.
There’s also the consideration of proper dubbing, like how usually you would let a translation studio but voluntarily. (Again I am volunteering to do both, while not a voice actor I can find how to dub it I guess)


Agree on this. We need to stop putting AI in creative works


IDK why, but I always thought you were from the other Cyprus and not Greek Cyprus. That’s cool though, Greece and Cyprus are the place I’d love to visit (I’m kinda a huge fan of Eastern Roman history)


Hmm, I’d like to dub it to Spanish, the problem is that I don’t have a proper place to record lol.


Lets hope the people that are in charge of that watch this video then :laughing:

I worry that RCS becoming interoperable between iOS and Android will become another pillar in Google’s moat that works against alternative operating systems like GrapheneOS. Are there any RCS messenger apps other than Google Messages? My understanding is that the base protocol is open with Google’s proprietary extensions.

I don’t want to tie my communications to an app like Google Messages that can decide to block GrapheneOS in the future for whatever reason even if it provides end-to-end encryption for the same reason I wouldn’t use Facebook’s “secret chats”. SMS, for all its many flaws, just works everywhere equally.

If I can’t convince someone to use Signal (most people won’t), I’ll just use SMS. They already have it, and it means I’m not contributing to the network effect keeping someone on a proprietary platform.


As far as I understand the protocol is an open standard. Currently Google uses their own E2EE for Android devices on top of RCS, but that’s only because the RCS universal profile doesn’t support E2EE yet. Apple refusing to adopt Google’s non-standard RCS encryption is probably a good thing for the openness of the standard.

GrapheneOS wants to replace the messaging app with one that implements RCS in the future but it’s not something they have the resources to develop themselves. See X Cancelled.

RCS is an Open Standard so normally anyone can Implement it. The only thing that is Google exclusive atm is RCS Encryption but the GSMA Consortium (I think it’s a consortium) Is working on adding E2EE as the standard so it’s not just Google

Honestly RCS especially encrypted is what I’m hoping to add on my software PyComm instead of SMS soo yeah.

To that I say:

  1. It’s still more secure to use E2EE RCS than SMS
  2. Facebook hass gotten default encryption on Both Messenger and WhatsApp and besides using any of those is more secure than SMS and Actually I don’t get it, Facebook is never going to prevent you from using those so huh?

Again better to use RCS than Not considering it’s E2EE and more secure than SMS. I get it and I go by the same formula but still. [and as I said I’m hoping to solve that with that different messaging app]