FBI Warns iPhone And Android Users—Stop Sending Texts

Slow clap
So after trying to put backdoor and planting access to private info in a lot of companies (prism), publicizing as evil end to end encryption, and whatnot, they now realize that the bad Guy can too, and now oush for end to end encryption. Lol

Its a regional issue i guess. I’m lucky enough to live where plaintext sms aren’t actively being used for private 2-way communication anymore since 15 years ago. Sms cost $$ for every send here so people are quick to move on to “free” Whatsapp and the like. We still occasionally receive incoming sms from banks thats still stubbornly refuses to migrate to other otp alternative but thats slowly being forced against by our local government.

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There can be conflicting interests within government agencies, they aren’t monoliths. They are large organizations with many goals which will lead to some contradiction. Also PRISM wasn’t the FBI, it was the NSA

Same. It’s mostly ads and scammers who rely on SMS still.

Traditional calls and text should be replaced already.

Please for the love of God at least end flash SMS. NOBODY likes flash SMS except advertisers and scammers.