Gocryptfs (encrypted overlay filesystem)

Here you go:

It’s an encryption software which is like Veracrypt and it’s cross platform compatible.

Also has a nice Android port via DroidFS app.

It’s an encryption software which is like Veracrypt

Are there things you like about it more than Veracrypt? As a linux user, I like reading that “Linux is gocryptfs’ native platform.” but I also read that the MacOS implementation is only considered to be in beta at this time.

Some consider VeraCrypt to not be open source: VeraCrypt - Wikipedia

Yes, you can use it to backup your files to the cloud cuz it encrypts each file separately.

It’s not 100% related to gocryptfs, but I use it as a backend for Plasma Vaults. And from my experience, this combination works better than Cryptomator. Though my usecase is not for cloud storage, but for Syncthing on portable device withouth disk encryption. It can also be backend on Vaults (from Flathub).

Since gocryptfs is available on Mac, and there is compatible program for Windows (cppcryptfs), it might be good reccomendation for file encryption

Made an account on this forum just to say that I really think more people need to know about gocryptfs. Its basic functionality is like Cryptomator (file level encryption), except it’s CLI mostly (there are GUI apps for it).

I’ve been using it for months now, mostly to backup my files to the cloud. It’s super easy and mounts perfectly at boot on my system so I can always just drag and drop files into my cloud sync and they’ll always be encrypted.


A problem with gocryptfs (and also CryFS) is I don’t know how to decrypt/open an ecrypted volume on android.

I know about DroidFS but looks like I can’t open external encrypted volume (that I created on my desktop) with it, it throws “write access” error every time. The “Limitations” part talks about that if I’m not mistaken.

File Syncing with encryption and compression for the cloud with local folders and WebDAV backends. Based on JFileSync - hence the name. Additional compatibility with EncFS volumes

Is it any good?

Comparison of gocryptfs, encfs, ecryptfs, cryptomator, securefs and cryfs