Best browser ads

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Apple is the one comapany i will never be able to figure out hahah

This is an absolute masterpiece, lol. I thought “What happens on your iPhone, stays on your iPhone” ads were crazy, but this is a whole different level. Thanks for sharing.


I wonder why they haven’t made an ad like this but about storing photos on iPhone?
Oh, right…

What ever you say google will never make such ads.
You should give some credit to apple for this video.
This need to be appreciated.

Apple’s ads are getting more and more unhinged.

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Apple has figured it out, all you need to destroy surveillance is to use Safari.

Yes, because Google makes improvements silently, and then Apple does the same, but with a huge marketing campaign. Android System Intelligence with Android Compute Core and Apple Intelligence with Private Cloud Compute is one example. E2EE backups is another example.

At least their propaganda team is doing good work, because that ad was pretty amusing, as for the validity of it, not as much.


Their brand and marketing are literally their strongest cards. The brand part is insane, people think that Apple products never lose value. You can find marketplace listings like: I got this MacBook for 1500€ 5 years ago, I spilled coffee over a keyboard once, and I’m selling it for 1200€.

Why did it have a T-Mobile logo at the end?

I think Apple’s tricked carriers into paying for their ads. I saw this same commercial on TV the other day (but shortened), and it ended with a Boost Mobile logo lol


Perhaps, service provider disparity/equality perhaps ? So, they do advertise you can check it out at your phone service provider vendor, but display any of them so that all get an equal amount of publicity.
I also can confirm Best browser ads - #12 by jonah in my country, France, were they do showcase a ISP at the end of it, seemingly at random (out of the actual main principal ones of course, you wouldn’t get any of their alt-brands, ISP’s relying entirely on those main ones or participative independent ones of course).
I’m a bit surprised the web-uploaded ad having one specific ISP however.

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Lmao. If you can’t be more private, then be fast and secure.

Let me trigger you guys with another ad

That’s a pretty good ad, even though it is quite long winded. They really make you believe that using a search engine is a chore (even when it isn’t)

The real chore is closing all the random links it opens that you didn’t even want.