If you’re working on something cool in the privacy space, this is the place to tell people about it!
This is a place for devs to post their new/unreviewed projects, we do not endorse anything here not listed on our recommendations page.
This category is the only section in which you as a developer are allowed to promote your own projects. Unless your tool is recommended by Privacy Guides, you should not recommend your project in other threads on this website, or open more than one thread about your project.
You must be a member of @developers to create a new post here. If you’re working on some software/hardware project, send a membership request to that group!
Content Creators:
This category is the only section in which you are allowed to promote your own website/channel/podcast/etc. Unless your work is recommended by Privacy Guides, you should not link to your work in other threads on this website, or open more than one thread about your work. If you want clarification on this rule, please message @team.
You must be a member of @creators to create a new post here. If you’re working on something cool, send a membership request to that group!