Would an atomic Linux install prevent Crowdstrike-like issues?

Continuing the discussion from Include ublue images:

I think this question will be quite a deviation of the main topic but I’ll ask. Given the recent facts involving Crowdstrike and Windows, some reported problems with Crowdstrike and Linux servers, would Linux desktop atomic/immutable installation be a bit more bullet proof for those mistakes from third party softwares that act “protecting” your system with deep roots in OS file access?

If you use a system that can rollback to the previous good state, then it’s definitely better than a traditional distribution.

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Basically, a BTRFS traditional installation would help for sure but is there a way to go the extra mile and prevent it to happen? That is what I was thinking. If the computers affected were using a Linux atomic/immutable system would they be affected? Of course, assuming Linux would be vulnerable to the update.