So I recently got a pay rise, but I’m quite satisfied with my standard of living and my financial situation, so I thought I can use this extra money to give back to more projects.
Which are your favorite projects to donate to?
Which important donation worthy projects did I miss?
Do you have some special niche tool you use and donate to?
Do you yourself run/maintain some project which would benefit from extra donations?
Also this is a mandatory reminder to give back to the projects you regulary use (if you can of course). Doesn’t always have to be in money, but could also be in code contributions, in translations or in community management for example.
There is also Aves Gallery, SimpleX, Numberhub (in replacement of Unitto!!), Feeder, App verifier, AnkiDroid, Aurora Store.
You could also donate to NGOs (EFF, Amnesty International, EDRI and EDRI members, Privacy International, Algorithm Watch, …) or content creators on social medias (NBTV, Techlore, TheNewOil, …).
Edit : I don’t know if I should use Unitto or Numberhub and thus I don’t know if you should donate to one or the others.
Supporting projects that rely on donations is very important, these are some of my favourites that I like to support when I can because I want to see them succeed.
Disroot, providing online services based on principles of freedom, privacy, federation & decentralisation.
RiseUp, provides online communication tools for people and groups working on liberatory social change.
Prism Launcher, An Open Source Minecraft launcher with the ability to manage multiple instances, accounts and mods. Focused on user freedom and free redistributability., providing a platform and tools for digital self-defense addressing the need of free communication for activists and other individuals.
Not specific to privacy, but Zotero has helped me a lot so I’ve paid for upgrades more than necessary, which I consider a kind of donation. These days probably most people involved in academia use some sort of research manager, so I try to advocate for an open-source one when possible.
For me, it’s KDE, GrapheneOS, FSF,, and of course PrivacyGuides and 3 of the 5 support Monero which is great.
But there’s so many more projects that deserve funding… I wish there was a way too pool donations, like some kind of FOSS donation fund, so that even smaller projects which are usually overlooked can get a bit of attention. I have thought about this idea for a while but the big problem with such a fund would be: who decides which projects or developers get included, how is it decided how the donations are split, and what happens if someone doesn’t want their money to go to a specific project.
so basically a tip jar for each company that 100% of the donations go to the company?
Err it doesn’t make sense when people can just donate themselves to who they like honestly.