Which are your favorite projects to donate to?

Yes I mean more in terms of:

  • these are the projects I want to donate to
  • oh it’s 100 projects
  • i don’t want to spend more than $20 a month on donations. so that’s just $0.2 per project (or $2.40 per year). is there any point spending time setting up all the donations if the amount is so little?
  • oh also some them have a minimum donation of $5/month, or they only accept Paypal and they take fees of $0.30 + 2.9%, or they only accept Bitcoin but the network fees are $1 per transaction at the moment and I’d have to set myself a reminder to do it every month, or …
  • whatever, i’ll just give $10 to the Linux Foundation and $10 to Mozilla [narrator: little did he know that none of this money would be used for Linux or Firefox development]

I probably should donate to more “foundational” work, too, but I have the tendency to donate to what I use - so KDE, Document Foundation (LibreOffice) and Thunderbird top my list.