Hyperpipe for streaming music (Using while typing this)
For downloading Yt-Dlp is fine. (Cli on linux and Seal on Android).
For listening vinyl/metro on android and mpd on pc.
Personally, I try to buy all my music through Bandcamp to support the artists; there are also some great music/albums that are essentially free or low-cost when the Name Your Price option is available. I would like to gradually move away from Bandcamp, and focus on buying CD/Vinyl and digitally rip them, still pondering that though
I am using Apple Music, and Spotify as backup. Tracking is a bit required with these services because they have to recommend music to my listening habit, right? Recommendation wise I find Apple Music better than Spotify but AM still doesn’t have a proper Windows client, so I am using Cider. Spotify’s client is faster imho.
To all Apple Music users: make sure to export your library (playlists, etc.) every now and then, because Apple will delete your entire music library (!) after a few weeks or months (not sure tbh) if you cancel your subscription.
Re-subscribing doesn’t bring it back.
I think this is an important piece of information that Apple doesn’t make clear enough up front.
Am I the only one here listening Internet Radios e.g. Rock Antennae instead of streaming
btw, purchasing music (either physical copies from stores or digital copies sites other than major platforms) is the way to go if you want to support the artists as they don’t have a fair cut from streaming services.
No proper windows client? I’ve been using the apple music windows app for months now. They released an official music and TV app for windows a while ago now and you don’t need to use iTunes for it anymore.