What can android apps see without permissions?

Hello, i plan to install a very privacy invasive app on my main android profile. If i do not give it any permissions is there anything significant it can gather? Can the app see the phone numbers of my 2 sim cards? The app will have restricted battery and internet usage in the background, so it will only run when i open it and it will not have permissions for anything. I know that apps cannot access other apps data so i guess there is no reason to use work profiles or user profiles?

Short answer: Depends on what you deem significant and what version of android/Graphene OS you are running. It usually can’t see sim cards, clipboard, etc.

Long Answer: Read this FAQ by Graphene OS, it will answer a lot of questions.

This app shows what is visible with any permissions: kDI Device Info system permission | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository

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