Web Hosting for basic website?

There was a recent thread regarding web hosting and I left a reply to it: Recommendation for web hosting providers - #2 by Satoshi

Additionally, you can take a look at Jamstack to find static site generators and content management systems that you may want to use for the website:

I want to chime in on a couple of details here. Most of the domain name providers have WHOIS privacy protection, however if they are offering “GDPR Whois Protection” they will not redact the Country, State, and Organization fields. This something that never really gets talked about.

Since you are looking at something beginner friendly, you likely want to go with shared hosting and a one-click install. Most providers would be entirely fine for this use case, including companies like DigitalOcean.

The issue here is that you haven’t really brought up your threat model and use case. If you just want a personal blog with your name attached to it, then as good as any provider will do. If you are looking to have anonymity and pay with Monero, then you’ll want to look at the options I listed in the other thread. It also depends on what kind of content you want to publish. For example, some providers, such as FlokiNet, pride themselves as a free speech VPS provider, however they are known to suspend accounts for “medical disinformation”, especially relating to Covid.

I can provide a more accurate selection of hosts, but you would have to elaborate more on your use case and threat model, otherwise it’s difficult to make a more targeted recommendation.