Privacyguides website is available in some languages with effort of many translators. Many languages don’t have any/enough translator to translate the entire website. But users from that language needs privacy data.
Thanks to extraordinary accuracy of current LLMs (like chatgpt or deepseek), we can have have a translation with very few errors. In that case, translators can only focus on correcting the translations.
Is is possible to machine translate website to languages with too few translators?
I see LLM translation as an extremely useful tool for human translators. You are still going to need someone to review the translation for accuracy before publishing translations. This is especially true when their is technical jargon and a specific writing tone and style to be adhered to for consistency.
An accurate translation is not necessary always a correct translation.
Well, we can’t help with translation if mods are ignoring translator requests.
From my experience DeepL is usually the best. But there are not so many languages available. Though lately I was comparing it sometimes to Google translate and ChatGPT, and there were case where latter were better. But the issue is that none of the tools gives a good, 100% correct, or better to say suitable output. If you really need proper translation, you have to do it, or review it by yourself.
Google offers free API for Gemini 2
Crowdin also has Gemini add on
Moderator (not translator) can enable it for free.