Telegram has already been sharing phone number and IP address

If this has been the case, what was with the newscycle last month about Durov agreeing to share it from now on?

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Because the news-cycle didnā€™t fully fathom the terms of service and didnā€™t know any app would have to do that if forced. This is just a clarification of things from the horseā€™s mouth.

This isnā€™t even something new. Document Detail ā€“ Property of the People

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For iMessage what does: ā€œMessage content: Limited meanā€

Are they able to get some messages? I thought these were E2EE.

Do we need to bring up 404 mediaā€™s article again?

And really what their TOS and privacy policy states are the complete opposite of what he claims he is doing.

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WhatsApp is supposed to be EE2E and yet in here it says Message Content Limited.


Whatsapp is technically E2EE. But there are two considerations:

  1. They have a report feature which when used makes a copy of the reported message and sends it to Whatsapp for review and moderation. (ProPublica Coverage)
  2. Their client apps are not open source. So while they do use the Signal double ratchet, there is nothing ensuring they arenā€™t rigging the key generation, the implementation, etc.
  3. Their backups are often unencrypted unless user opts in.

The 3rd point and the 1st point are what Iā€™d guess is usually used. The cloud provider for backup can simply handover the data, or you could be talking to an adversary that reports every single message (second possibility can be reduced by security code verification). 2nd is just speculation, and not proven at all.

Not familiar with iMessage to comment on it.