Teleconferencing -

Any thoughts about adding something about Zoom/Skype/Teams alternatives? Jitsi often gets mentioned. I tried it but found it very unreliable in terms of audiovisual quality. Other ideas?

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This would be a useful category IMO.

Some possible options to look into (all are labelled open source):

+ already mentioned - Jitsi

Unsure if Mattermost can do video calls. They would probably be the most Teams-like option if so. That or Threema

Never tried Signal, Element, or Session for video calling, can they do it?

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They already mentioned that Wire and Threema will not be added. I think it’d be useful to add Jitsi I heard a lot of good things about it. You also can video call on Signal and I think Session too but I wouldn’t use it as a conferencing tool.

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Could you link to that mention about
Wire and Threema? I would be curious to know what’s wring with them.

Here you go: Why not recommend Wire and Threema?

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I recently had the same question, so as a Zoom alternative I have been trying (and liking) OpenTalk: Virtual meetings - secure and DSGVO-compliant | OpenTalk.

I use it through my subscription:

Jitsi is garbage unless all parties have huge access capacity.
Pixelated, jittery and voice is useless

Poor quality has been my experience of Jitsi.

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