SimpleX Chat - Evolving content moderation


As usual, excellent communication from simplex chat, and innovative ideas.

I recommend opening the github link for proper mobile view word wrapprd

before the fud gets spread here aswell, moderation improvements doesn’t mean privacy / anonymity reductions, the SimpleX context is different from traditional chat apps due to the E2EE by default, and decentralisation of the network.

In any case, it still is a pleasure to see SimpleX achieve more of what the rest of other chat apps didn’t achieve yet (Yes i am talking about Matrix’s CSAM problem that they are intentionally ignoring on the main instance)


Not complaining about the basic principle of this, that is, doing what you can when you can. Public chats should be moderated.

But does this allow DoS attacks? E.g. former group member joins the group with throw-away account via Tor, posts CSAM at a time when the mods are asleep, and reports it with another account using Tor.

How well does the bot scrutinize the entire channel? Hopefully it’s not a knee-jerk reaction if the disciplinary action is indeed

“the bot automatically deletes all files sent to the group”