Could SimpleX be compromised?

I’m looking to settle on a private messenger, and out of Signal, Session, and SimpleX, SImpleX just seems to be the best, foss, decentralized, pqe2ee, anon usernames everywhere, theoretically infinite gc sizes and more, so from a privacy perspective it seems perfect.

However I would like to know, is there anything someone hosting a malicious node could do to compromise anonymity and privacy? I am aware that you can choose the nodes you are connected to, but lets just assume worst case, both me and the other party are connected to are malicious and owned by the same individual, what info could they do? I assume storing the data is useless due to the encryption but I am fairly uneducated on this and looking at what happened with monero’s decentralized nodes being compromised it has me wondering if the same could happen here?

Thanks for any replies/advice/help/

Just as a node: there is no perfect messenger, all messengers have pro’s and cons p2p is not necessairly more private then a centralized messenger, it depends a lot on context and implementation.


Since you mentioned Session here, right now there is some turmoil with Session. It seems that they are leaving Australia after some authorities harassment. Not sure if was confirmed, just saw in the news today. This is probably a content for another thread but want to raise awareness in case you are considering the platform this may influence your decision of adoption.


Also regarding Session I wouldn’t trust Lokinet’s anonymity claims. I’m no expert but their claims about being more resistant against governments beecause you must pay to host your node cannot not be bullshit…