The other day I found a tablet that I got for free because the person didn’t have any use for it.Anyway I got came to an idea to secure it and use it only for work.The issue that same up was I wanted to use Shelter but this OS version isn’t compatible.I would appreciate help on the matter as I do need to use privacy unfriendly apps on the daily basis.
not possible
I agree with @SkewedZeppelin, I don’t think there’s much you can do here. You might be able to get away using it for some basic tasks that aren’t security sensitive (even then though you need to be careful), but I definitely wouldn’t use it for anything important like work. You’re just playing with fire.
I’ll also add: Are there any alternate OSes available for it like LineageOS? If so, that would probably be worth looking into, but to be clear, that wouldn’t fully solve the security issues either. You’d still be lacking firmware updates & you’d lose Verified Boot… but at least the OS itself would be more up to date. I still wouldn’t use it for anything security sensitive (like anything work-related) though.
Unless I am misinformed, I think the utility Shelter provides is compartmentalization not necessarily privacy (in other words, putting a privacy invasive app in a work profile doesn’t necessarily make the app any more private, it just separates it from the apps/data in your primary profile.
In your case, it sounds like you want to use this device only for work and that entails using privacy unfriendly apps. Instead of seeking to compartmentalize based on software/profiles/shelter, you could consider the device itself to be the ‘compartment’, use it only for non-sensitive & non-personal work stuff, and achieve compartmentalization that way.