How secure would using Redroid on Fedora be? I’m not worried about the Android OS itself being compromised but say I was to run WhatsApp. How much of my host system would WhatsApp have access to?
If its not very secure, what are the alternatives? Is there a good way to run android apps on Linux?
The safest option would be creating a virtual machine with any distro of your choice, and then installing Redroid on that.
If there was a security issue, it would be limited to the VM. I’m going to try it like that, to see what the experience is like. I’ll come back here and report on it once I’ve tried it for a few days.
I know that wouldn’t be as convenient as having Redroid installed directly, but having the isolation of the VM is the only way I’d be comfortable with it.
Unfortunately it was too much hassle to set up in a virtual machine, with ongoing error messages. I tried with a couple of different distros.
I wouldn’t use it outside of a virtual machine, so I’m going to leave it. But I would be interested in a reliable way to have android inside a VM, if there’s a good way to do it in future.