I’m a guy who suffers from OCD and unfortunately, I’ve been obsessed with privacy for a while now.
I like privacy, I won’t deny it, but this obsession is stronger and it’s preventing me from enjoying my passion and my life.
Every time I come to this forum and read the various topics, my heart starts racing with fear of discovering something I don’t like (using x instead of y, not doing this or that).
I think about privacy all day long, I can no longer enjoy my life, and it seems like the world is full of data mining.
I often think about my Google account with 8-9 connected devices that I lost some time ago (yes, I tried everything to recover it, but unfortunately, it’s impossible, and it even had 2FA enabled).
I also think about when I have to disconnect VPN/Private DNS for some reason or another, and when I do, I start thinking obsessively that by disconnecting them, my IP address has been leaked or that telemetry apps without private DNS have been able to send all the accumulated telemetry data on the device that they couldn’t send before because of the DNS.
It’s a constant battle. For example, It has happened to me that I couldn’t stop thinking about whether the people connected to the same WiFi as me had viruses on their PC (which could have compromised the WiFi).
I have a threat model: avoid data mining and phishing/viruses. And that’s enough for me because I don’t live in a Totalitarian country, and I think I have a fairly strong setup (Linux, Graphene OS, Proton Mail, FOSS apps, alias etc. etc. etc.).
I also know that privacy is not black or white, it’s a marathon not a sprint and blah blah blah
I’m already in therapy and it’s going “well”, but one of the pieces of advice that I find difficult to follow is staying in doubt. It seems that with privacy you should never leave anything to chance, so I tend to think about every possible thing that could compromise it without stopping.
Any advice is welcome.