Linguist is a full-featured translation tool for browser with focus on privacy.
With Linguist you can translate all texts offline, with no sent over internet to google! Just select embedded BergamotTranslator in settings (Bergamot are developed by Mozilla).
Also, with feature “custom translator” you can to add your own implementations of translator, to use any service you want, like LibreTranslate. You have full control over text handling!
In next releases i have plans to implement offline recognition of images. Linguist will detect text on images offline and then text will translates with translator preferred by user (offline translator, if you needs). This approach will apply to all features - handle data locally if it possible, and when it is not possible - let users to choose how to handle data.
You can read here why Linguist are free and why it is most powerful browser extension for translation at today Linguist, an ultimate translation browser extension
Project are non-commercial, so your activity are important, tell about linguist, help to promote a good tool - share Linguist with your friends and post it in your social media, vote for Linguist if you like it. If you are programmer, you are welcome to contribute on github. If you have feedback or want to some feature, feel free to create issue on github.