I want Proton, but.... reminders?

I currently use NextCloud with a provider I like and, for sensitive things, together with cryptomator. The storage plan is encrypted, so someone breaking in probably wouldn’t get any data – but the provider could indeed snoop in. I also use NextCloud for my calendars and reminders, and self-hosting is not an option.
With this in mind, I was considering switching to Proton, for something more secure. However, while Proton can take care of storage and calendars, I don’t think it can take care of my reminders (which I use a lot), can it? And I don’t want to pay for both.
Any ideas? I am on mac, so maybe now that iCloud has e2ee, I can use iCloud for reminders? I also want to avoid locking myself in, as I am considering a Pixel in the future.

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If you want to test Proton, they have a free plan.

Sure, but that doesn’t really replace a standalone system of reminders (like a todo list with alerts). I don’t really need anything event-based, but I rely heavily on reminders nonetheless.

I have, and I do not see what I would need for reminders. So I wonder whether I missed something, or whether there is an alternative I am not considering elsewhere.

Ah, that kind of reminders. We probably both just didn’t understand you. For me that falls in the category “task management”. You can technically save notes as email drafts in Proton Mail or as encrypted notes in Proton Pass, but probably both do not have a really great UX for this use case.

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Sorry if I weren’t clear. I think they’re called “reminders” on macos.

As far as lock-in goes do you have like tens or hundreds or thousands of reminders? If it’s not that many reminders I don’t think the lock-in commitment is that high. If you want your reminders to sync between Mac and iPhone and you already have iCloud on both you would probably be reducing your attack surface by just using apples built in reminders app. If your reminders are super sensitive or you have hundreds or thousands of them I would look at other options that support export/import or figure out a different system entirely as that is just tons of reminders.

No, it can’t.

I mean, you can create a “tasks” calendar, and add what you want to be reminded of to there. You can set custom notification settings for it as well.

But, it will still be a calendar, not a tasks list. You can’t mark an event as done or anything. It’s just a normal event.

If you want tasks support, you will have to use a different service, such as Nextcloud.

@lint not thousands, but definitely hundreds, with many recurring ones. Nothing sensitive, but just everything I need done, and that’s just no one else’s business.

I guess for now the encrypted NextCloud option will do, especially as it was paid for a year in advance. And when that comes to term, hopefully Proton will have developed a task/reminder system – either that or I revert back to iCloud with e2ee.

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Neztcloud does not encrypt you calendar, contacts, or reminders. Not sure where you got that impression but it isn’t true.

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Also there seems to be a lot of misconception on the advanced data protection of Apple
Please see the details here:

Apple will not e2e encrypt your calendar and contacts with advanced data protection

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@ph00lt0 Sure, I’m not saying that everything iCloud is e2ee but your link seems to confirm that reminders are, and that’s all I would put on there.

As for NextCloud, I did not say that NextCloud encrypted my data, I said that my provider encrypted the data (https://webo.cloud/nextcloud-single-secure/). I understand this is not e2ee and that’s why I’m looking at alternatives, but it’s better than nothing still.

Encryption at rest is nowadays a basic security feature. Google does it, Microsoft does it, all of the big companies do it. Note that Proton does not E2E encrypt contacts

Ok, it’s probably more widespread than I thought. Still it’s not e2ee. And there are companies that I trust more than others with this. Google? Microsoft? No.

Personally, no need for contacts, that rarely changes so local storage is fine.

Proton does have partial E2EE for contacts. Pretty much all fields are encrypted except email address.


To add to that, everything except the name and email address are encrypted.

Proton’s explanation for not encrypting email addresses is:

The name and address fields are not encrypted (although they are digitally signed – see below). This is so that we can actually send and receive the emails.

(and later on:)

In order to do email filtering, we do not encrypt email addresses – doing so also does not significantly improve privacy because as an email service, we necessarily must know who you are emailing in order to deliver the message.